Inspired by bits and pieces

I've been really inspired lately.

Our family has been sorting through my maternal grandparents things now that they both have passed. So I've been incorporating these new treasures into my much more (but still a long way to go) organized home.

My mom says I'm a lot like her mother because I like to do crafty things like her. So it's no surprise that I gravitated toward some of Grandma's craft supplies.

Yesterday my daughter wanted a purse for her doll clothes and wanted to work on it right away. I went through my boring fabric scraps and then I remembered I had a stack of vintage linens from Grandma's things.

So I grabbed this pretty napkin -- one that didn't belong to a set I might want to use as real napkins later!

My daughter and I hand-sewed the sides, with needle and thread from Grandma's supplies. It was a 4-generation project in abstentia!

Then I sewed on the string of pearl craft beads from Grandma's other craft supplies. I thought it was pretty cute! Apparently, so did my model aka daughter.

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