Educational Field Trips - Northern Indiana

Mennohof Amish/Mennonite Information Center - Menno-Hof is a non-profit information center that teaches visitors about the faith and life of Amish and Mennonites. Located in Shipshewana, Indiana, Menno-Hof invites groups and individuals to learn about and experience Anabaptist history and lifestyle. Menno-Hof’s multi-image presentations, historical environments, and colorful displays take you on a fascinating journey inside the unique world of the Mennonites and Amish. See where the Anabaptists had their beginning in a Swiss courtyard and how they were persecuted for their faith in the dungeon. Travel with the Anabaptists down the cobblestone streets of Holland and board a 17th century sailing boat on a journey to America and freedom. Take a virtual tour for a glimpse of what Menno-Hof has to offer.

Midwest Museum of American Art - Beautifully renovated neo-classical style bank building 19th and 20th century American Art, with original paintings by Grandma Moses and Norman Rockwell.

Center for History - 38-room Victorian mansion, a charming cottage reflecting the 1930s, a gallery that chronicles local history, a gallery of Notre Dame history, a children's museum plus compelling exhibitions.
Currently running a special exhibit on Lincoln along with the Studebaker National Museum which owns one of Lincoln's carriages.

Cabin days

Grades 3 and up
October 13-16, 2009
During Cabin Days, Center for History volunteers, dressed as pioneers, demonstrate cooking, recreation and trades about life in 1830s Michiana. Lively interaction occurs as students, eager to learn about pioneer life, ask questions of the pioneers they are visiting. Students may stop to talk with the Navarre family who are cooking outdoors. They might also be curious about the jars of sassafras root, rosehips, willow bark and leeches (careful, they're real!) that set in rows in front of Doc Hardman. And the school marm always welcomes the children to her schoolhouse as she teaches lessons from The New McGuffey Second Reader.

Fur Trade Program
Date: December 8-11, 2009
Time: 9:30 - 12:30 p.m.
Students will gain insight into the importance of the fur trade in northern Indiana during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. They will examine silver shaped into crosses and animal forms to learn how the European explorers bartered with Native Americans for goods. A view of axes, guns, traps and such household items as a bone needle used in making clothing will help students understand the self-sufficiency of the fur traders.

Civil War Program
Grades 3 and up
TBA (will occur February 2010)

Bonneyville Mill Tours and Programs

Mill Tours:
Bonneyville Mill:
All Grades, 30 minutes-1 hour
The staff at Bonneyville Mill is always happy to demonstrate and explain how water power has been harnessed to grind grain into flour. Mill tours can be geared toward particular areas of interest (History, Science, Social Studies, etc.) when so requested. Please note that the mill operates between 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.. Students are welcome to purchase mill products. Two pound bags are $2.50 for corn meal and $3.50 for wheat flours. Please schedule extra time if purchases will be made.

Awesome Autumn
Oxbow, Bonneyville, River Preserve
Grades: K-6th, 45 mins.-1 hour
Autumn is a great time for a hike with its crisp air and colorful foliage. It is also a time of preparation and change. On this hike students will discover how the plants and animals of the park are preparing for winter.

Meet A Tree:
Oxbow, Bonneyville, River Preserve
Grades: 3rd-12th, 1-1½ hour
Through nature games and a hike, students will learn to identify many of the trees in the park and discover their uses to us and the park’s wildlife.

Wild About Wetlands:
Oxbow, Bonneyville, River Preserve
Grades: 3-12th, 1-1½ hour
What is a wetland? Why are they so important? Why are we sowild about them? Students will find out through hands-on activities and the investigation of the wet and wild inhabitants.

Fun and Games:
Oxbow, Bonneyville
Grades: 1st-5th, 1-1½ hours
Learning can be fun, and games can teach a lot. This activity combines the perfect mixture of games and learning to give the students a better understanding of our natural world. Through hiking and nature games, the naturalist will make your visit a fun and rewarding experience.

The Wonderful World of Insects
Oxbow, Bonneyville, River Preserve
Grades: 1st-5th, 1 hour
How do insects differ from other animals? How do they grow and mature? How do they benefit us? During this program students will explore the insect world through hands-on activities, games and hikes. This program is available from May thru October only.

If We Were Indians
Oxbow, Bonneyville, River Preserve
Grades: 3rd-12th, 1-1½ hours
Step back in time to the life of the Potawatomi Indians. Through stories, facts and activities students will learn of the Indian’s lifestyle and reverence for the natural world.

Elkhart Historical Museum & Rush Memorial Center

Regional Native Americans
Learn about the earliest inhabitants of North America. Discover how the Native Americans of this region lived before and after contact with the Europeans. Program time for this tour is one hour. Grades: 3-12

Story of Elkhart County
See and hear the story of our County from then to now! See the amazing collections preserved in the Elkhart County Historical museum.
Grades: K-12

Pioneer Life
Who were the pioneers? How did their life differ from our own? What's a flail and basket winnow? During this program you will discover these answers and more! Grades: K-12

Hands-on History Stations
Rotate through various hands-on stations chosen by the teacher. Native games, natural dyes, and candle-making are some of the choices! Grades: K-6

The 1840s Farmer
This visiting 1840s farmer will will teach your class about farming and pioneer life with lots of interaction. Grades: K-6

Life During the Industrial Revolution
Learn about family life during the Industrial Revolution. See how the railroads played a major role in expanding the industry of Elkhart County. Grades: K-12

Free admission to participating Smithsonian Museums around the country September 26, 2009

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