Fenner Nature Center Homeschool Programs 2009-2010

Fenner Nature Center Homeschool Programs
 - Welcome to your outdoor learning lab!

Join us for an educational adventure!

Under the guidance of a staff naturalist, your child will explore the fields, forests, and wetlands of Fenner Nature Center to observe the lessons of nature first hand.

All sessions are on the 2nd Tuesday (3rd Tuesday in September) of each month from 1:00pm - 2:30pm at Fenner Nature Center, 2020 E. Mt Hope Lansing, MI 48910.

Cost is $4 per student per session. Call 483-4224 to RSVP and register by phone.  See Program Schedule below.

Program Schedule

Sept. 15: Migration Activity #137220A

Birds and Butterflies, where do they go when they migrate? Find out about migration patterns, how they survive the long trek and what navigational tools they use.

Oct.12: Apple Butter/Seasonal Changes Activity #137220B

Come back with us 100 years to the apple harvest. Observe how apples are prepared, and help stir the bubbling apples in the large kettle over the open fire then have a taste of the finished product. While out on the trails we will enjoy the fall colors and learn why these seasonal changes take place.

Nov. 10: Tree Squirrels Activity #137220 C

Do you know how many squirrels are found in Michigan? Join us as we explore the Fenner trails and look for these interesting rodents and find out where they live, what they eat and all about their habits.

Dec. 8: Green Giants Activity #137220D

Take a walk in the winter woods and discover how evergreens survive the long winter months. How are they different than other trees? We will learn about all these things as well as walk through the park and identify several evergreens.

Jan. 12 Signs of Winter Animals Activity #237220A

Become a nature detective and search for signs and activities of Fenner's winter residents.

Feb. 9: Rocks and Minerals  Activity #???????

Explore the world of rocks and minerals through hands-on discovery. Discuss how rocks and minerals are part of our every day life.

Mar. 9 Step into Spring Activity #237220C

As we leave winter behind, let's journey to another season where the forest and its wildlife are awakening. Join us as we explore the start of a new season. Take a walk in the maple grove and see why spring conditions make maple sap flow.

Apr. 13. Your carbon footprint Activity #337220A

Calculate your carbon footprint and celebrate earth day by learning how to protect the earth and its resources. We will spend some time being active stewards by learning about and removing invasive plant species at Fenner.

May11: Which way is North? Activity #337220B

Discover how to use a compass, while trying to find hidden treasures at Fenner.

Mail or take this registration form to Fenner Nature Center, 2020 E. Mt Hope Lansing, MI 48910, or register by phone: 483-4224

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