Vintage Children's Books -- Reliving Childhood Delights

Rather than visions of sugar plums, this Christmas has me dreaming of books from my childhood.

My *wonderful* mother saved all our treasured childhood books, some of which I highlighted here.

But some were lost along the way to water damage and who knows what else.

So I'm always on the look-out for some of the "missing" books of my youth. 

I'm also looking for duplicates to pass along to the next generation of kids who have fallen in love with our tattering books.

Do any of these covers bring back memories for you?

These are some of the I'm looking for to complete my collection.

Actually a few I never owned to begin with -- Doctor Dan, Little Majorette, I want to be a beauty operator, We help mommy or anything by Eloise Wilkins -- but know I would have loved as a child!  And I'm thinking my chef son would like Billy Brown Makes Something Grand as well.

If you have some special memories of treasured childhood books, chances are that they were made by one of these popular book companies:

Popular Book Companies
  • Golden Books
  • Junior Elf Books
  • Tell-A-Tale Books
  • Tiny Tot Tales (Whitman)
  • Tip-Tot Elf Books
  • Wonder Books

Where to view books online

Golden Gems - A treasure trove of Golden Books with covers and complete interior pages displayed online for pure bliss that costs nothing!

Vintage Kids Books My Kids Love - Blog with highlights of vintage children's books with covers and some interior pages displayed.

Where to purchase:

Of course you can google the books if you know the title, but here are some fun stores to browse and trigger memories you forgot you had!

Inner Child Books - etsy store with reasonably priced vintage children's books

Vintage Kids Books My Kids Love - etsy store with books priced in the $10-15 range

Vintage Children Books - large selection of vintage books that can be filtered by  subject, company, and other topics

Ebay - Search for book titles, set up "wish lists" for items not available, and research prices that specific books have sold for in past auctions

Ruby Lane - Search for books across an aggregation of online and bricks and mortar antique stores

Alibris - Vast selection of all kinds of books, including juvenile, across multiple sellers

The Reading Well - Large selection of books with different filters available.

AntiQ Book -Proclaims to be "Europe's Premier Antiquarian Booksite" though many books are offered by US merchants.

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