5 minutes, 5 dollars, 5 friends -- quick ways to do good

Time magazine's Sept. 21, 2009 issue had tons of good links in this article "New Ways to Make a Difference".

Here are the links I particularly liked:

Bored waiting? Use your smart phone to view and label museum photos at http://www.beextra.org/ or make progress toward curing cancer at http://www.ifwerantheworld.com/.

Help promote and then map random acts of kindness at http://www.kinded.com/.

Browse the vast array of volunteer opportunities in your zip code at http://www.allforgood.org/.

Support an emerging business in a developing country at http://www.kiva.org/ with as little as $25.

Learn more about where to invest in socially responsible funds according to your priorities at http://www.socialinvest.org/.

Go for a reverse boycott at http://www.carrotmob.org/. Help local businesses do better with a massive shop-in in which owners use portions of the shopping day to do good.

Support causes through social media sites like facebook, twitter, and http://www.donorschoose.org/ or http://www.timebanks.org/.

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