Music to the ears of this homeschooling mother

I was really thrilled to have this validation from a very successful teacher!  We've always felt like delving into our books is central to our homeschooling!!

From 3rd Grade teacher Mrs. Powell: (emphasis mine)

I encourage you to read the book, “Reading Strategies” by Regie Routman. It will revolutionize the way you structure your reading time and will leave you feeling energized and read to simplify all of your instruction. Ms. Routman believes that students should spend the majority of their time in school reading, not doing activities about reading.

While you’re teaching small groups, she suggests having students:

-Do independent reading (each student chooses a book on his/her reading level)

-Finish reading or re-read the book(s) you began during reading groups or explore a related/ extension text alone or with a partner

-Work on meaningful projects (generally related to shared reading experiences)

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