Our fantastical brains

As an undergraduate psychology major I balked at my professor's suggestion we all consider studying the biology of the brain.  He insisted it was the next frontier for psychologists.  And of course 20-something years later I can attest that he was indeed right.

And with the growing numbers of kids, including my own son, with asynchronous development and sensory challenges associated with being twice exceptional, I crave knowledge to help me understand the brain activities that regulate (or not!) normal and quirky behaviors.

So here are some interesting and easy to read articles helping us as parents and teachers to understand more about our quirky kids.

Why is our brain like 3 scoops of ice cream? Note that our sensory challenged, quirky, "inflexible-explosive" kids live in scoop # 1.  Just how many decades does it take for our kids' brains to really mature? Oh my!

Under what circumstances do our memories actually stay connected and stored with the sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and sensations of the experience remembered?

To learn more consider these good reads:

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