More recipes for picky eaters!

Here are more helps for picky eaters:
Image and recipe from My Recipes
 Picky Palate: Original family style recipes for even your most picky eaters -- Tons of recipes, searchable recipe index, giveaways.

Picky eater recipes from Parenting with an emphasis on healthy foods.

Healthy foods and recipes from My Recipes including my favorite strategy which is food on stick.

Picky eater recipes from Kraft Foods that obviously feature their products.

Recipes and strategies from Nick Jr. -- Tips, tricks, tools, and recipes for parents to use in coping with picky eaters.

Strategies and recipes from Food Network to expanding the culinary horizons of picky eaters.


If you find yourself really frustrated that your child has a really small range of foods they will tolerate, you might have a problem eater, not just a picky eater.

Don't despair, however.  There is help!  The sequential-oral-sensory method is helpful for addressing feeding issues.  The Star Center Foundation has more information about this method.  You may be able to find out more about this strategy from a local occupational therapist.  This method is useful for picky eaters as well as problem eaters.  You can also explore resources on Food Chaining.

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