3 ways to make art out of office supplies

You know I'm always excited to find ways to turn ordinary things into works of art.  I love finding these amazing talented artists who do just that!!

(1) Pencil nibs into jewelry

Karolin Felix Jewelry at Ecouterre
Karolin Felix makes and sells these unique pieces of art from embellished colored pencil nibs and is featured at Ecouterre

I can just imagine a charm bracelet made of these.

I think I would want to make sure the pencils are shellacked though.  Otherwise I would be likely to mark up everything I touch.

(2) Paper clips into lampshade
Can you believe these chandeliers are made from paper clips? 

These creations are featured on Dollar Store Crafts. 

Patterns for these chandeliers are available for purchase from etsy.

(3) Post it notes into wall art

Rachel T Robertson Image
I love the super simple post-it note art featured in the current IKEA catalog.  See page 144 of the 2012 IKEA catalog. 

So I tried to google the image and tripped over this.

Just try to google post-it note art and you'll be busy for a while. 

This artful selection is from Rachel T Robertson and featured at colour lovers.

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