8 Fabulous Blogs for Play-based Learning and Messy Sensory Activities

Our daughter has become quite an expert in making her own sensory experiences. 
Our creative sensory girl
I loved her spontaneous sensory table play with her collection of beads and buttons.

She gathered various utensils and containers from around the house to add to her play. 

She also made up several games with the beads like bead bowling, bead fishing, and pattern matching.

As you might imagine there was a bit of a bead mess at a certain point.

Thankfully she initiated making her own "contraption to make cleaning up more fun." [Insert mom shout of joy here!]

Instead of grabbing the camera I decided to help her in the clean up efforts since she was working so hard.

She picked up the minuscule beads from everywhere and put them in a soup ladle.

She poured the ladle contents into into a small measuring cup and poured successively into bigger measuring cups and containers until finally returning to their storage bin. It was a hoot!

Blogs to Follow for Messy Sensory Inspiration:

Let the Children Play - water and sand tables
Sand and Water Tables - entire blog devoted to sensory tables
Messy Kids - need I say more?
Irresistible Ideas for Play Based Learning - Sensory activities
The Imagination Tree - Sensory activities
Hands on as We Grow - Sensory activities
Let the Children Play - Sensory activities
Filth Wizardry - Messy art and play

Sensory Table Tips:

Goodwill Hunting - DIY sensory table
The Crafty Teacher - 107 things to put in your sensory table
Crayola - 101 uses for play sand

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