Controlled Burn: 3 Crafts for kids who like flames (with supervision!)

I was excited to see some crafts that involve flames and fire given my son's interest in them. I figured I might be able to entice my tween son to join in crafty endeavors with his sister and me.

Please visit the websites of these amazing crafters for simple tutorials on how to make these beautiful treats. 

*** Be very careful and use all necessary cautions in working with flames and potentially harmful chemicals. These activities require responsible adult supervision. ***

(1) Burn spoons = Plastic Roses

You've got to go to the Can't Stop Making Things website to see the finished product!!

Flame makes roses at Can't Stop Making Things

(2) Burn fabric = Fabric Roses

Creative Jewish Mom has a wonderful tutorial for these fabric roses and lots of ways to use them.

Creative Jewish Mom flame enhanced roses

(3) Burn yard waste =  Colorful fire starters

Wisconson Dells Travel & Green Country Living Magazine
Wisconsin Dells Travel & Green Country Living Magazine has instructions for several different fire starters from yard materials.

Tipnut has a tutorial on making colorful pinecone fire starters that use chemicals (not to be mixed while making or in the fireplace!) to create different color flames

    Here are the chemicals that are said to produce different flame colors: 
  • Copper Sulfate: Green flame
  • Boric Acid: Red flame
  • Calcium Chloride: Orange flame
  • Alum (thallium): Bright Green Flame
  • Salt Substitute (potassium): Violet Flame
  • Epsom Salts (magnesium sulphate): White Flame
  • Table Salt: Yellow Flame
  • Borax (sodium tetraborate): Yellow/Green Flame
Mrs. Adventure has an easier version without the chemicals and just plain wax.
Mrs. Adventure's fire starter tutorial

BONUS: Here is a list of 10 crafts and activities that might appeal to boys from Come Together Kids.

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