My 5 new obsessions

Here are the things making me crazy obsessed today.

Dollar Store Crafts appears to have an endless supply of contributors and projects for repurposing and doing pretty things with cheap stuff.

I probably shouldn't have done it but I did.  I signed up for a craft of the day email from Martha Stewart.  Of course, once you visit the website for instructions you're tempted with dozens of other scrumptious projects. 

And what could possibly be more distracting that a daily craft email from Martha?  A daily project with America's favorite its-almost-like-glue-but-not-quite-glue from Mod Podge Rocks.

Dumpster dive + Mod Podge = Treasure. Or craft fail.

So you think you're crafty?  It's reality TV on blog. This came at just the right time.  I'm suffering from Project Runway withdrawal.  And they have dollar store challenges!!  I'm loving Jessica's bookends.

Craft Fail.  If it's deformed, ugly, not toddler proof, or sends you to the ER, your craft project belongs here.  It's hard to believe there are so many stories of crafts gone bad.  I've never laughed so hard about glitter mishaps. Ever.

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