Silly me.  I thought Sharpie markers were for writing.  I guess not!

Here's what folks have been doing with Sharpies:

(1) Tie-Dye

Science guru Steve Spangler shows you how to make mess-free tie-dye shirts.

Science with Sharpies
(2) Decorate Ornaments

Sure, you can decorate ornaments by drawing and writing on them with Sharpies like the folks at the Sharpie blog suggest....

Sharpie-drawn ornaments
But why not have more fun and sorta tie dye your ornaments like instructables author ChrisN suggests?

Tie Dye Ornaments

(3) Customize Shoes

Sharpie folks have taken their markers to college campuses along with Toms shoes and let students show their creativity by drawing on the blank canvas shoes.

Shoe by Sharpie and you

(4) Personalize electronics

Instructable folks are using sharpies to customize things like controllers and cell phones.

Customized controller
Personalized cell phone

(5) Remodel fixtures

Instructables author Thrift Store Remix used sharpies to colorize this glass light shade.

Lite Bright dome
(6) Upcycle Plant Tags

Mineralled at Instructables shows how to use Sharpies and recycled plastic utensils to make plant tags

Cheap plant tags
(7) Dream and Create

This artwork, entitled Dream, was created by Esfiedy using sharpies, reminding us to use our imagation to dream.  See more good stuff at the Sharpie blog.

Grab your Sharpie and get started!  Here are just some of the products available....

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