Preparing our kids for entrepreneurial careers

When we think about what our homeschool kids will do in their careers we often think that it would be good for them to have an entrepreneurial education to enhance their options.

All these years of self-directed learning, lack of meaningless busywork, following passions, and enjoying learning might make it difficult for a student to feel less than satisfied in working for someone else, though I'm sure they will be stellar employees!

And we weren't sure if colleges and universities are adapting as quickly as we need them to teach in the ways that today's kids learn and to prepare them for the changing market forces.

In The Secret to Raising Entrepreneurial Kids, Forbes contributor Dorie Clark provides some clues to how we might open doors for our kids.

Clark mentions Babson College and their entrepreneurial programs as place of innovative education.  Hmmm....Good to know that exists.

In the meantime I think I need to check out resource from Junior Achievement and 4-H entrepreneurial curriculum.

Find Junior Achievement programs
and resources in your community
and visit this resource page
Buy the 4-H  Be the "e" 
Entrepreneurship guides

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