Glorious upcycling projects for spring!!!

Ah! Relief.

Photo courtesy of ThundaFunda Free Pictures Online

Since becoming a mom, I've noticed that every March is the time of year when I finally feel like everything is going to be okay. 

The dark-stained months from October to February are torturous.  It's cold outside. The parks close. There are so few places to go to just hang out and let the kids be active (without costing a fortune or requiring the purchase of a greasy burger). We go nuts hibernating in the house. No one has any energy. Bleh.

Photo courtesy of Thunda Funda free online photos

Now that we have seen the sun several days in a row, I feel ready to tackle the world, or at least the house -- paint all the rooms, organize the closets, plan the garden, change the siding to purple...

Photo courtesy of Thunda Funda online free photos

Clearly I am delusional. But at least I can dream.

Here are the stuff some of my current dreams are made of courtesy of a lot of talented artists featured at

Thank you DIY Maven for pointing me toward this use of mosaic tiles!  This is exactly what I've been dreaming of for the bathroom -- decorative tiles that can be changed out and not permanently affixed.

And just look what artist Michelle Brand has created and DIY maven has shared!  Can you guess what these lovely "flower blossom crystals" are made from??? 

I've posted about recycling #6 plastic food containers for shrinky dinks before, but this tutorial was too cute too pass up! 

Thank you Chris Jobs for sharing this masterpiece from the Reform School.  This just totally makes me want to hit the thrift stores for broken umbrellas!

Of course if I did this, I would only add to the oddity of my unusual landscape in the midst of the green grasslands of suburbia. 

I am already the goofy neighbor with a pond, plants, and vegetable garden for a front lawn, and advocating for urban chickens.   I'm not sure how much more poor neighbors could take if I have a giant patchwork quilt strewn across the back yard!

I can at least guarantee I won't paint the siding purple.  Not this year anyway!

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