It was bound to happen. You can't have small children in a house and precariously placed China without something happening. Yes, one of my grandmother's unique China pieces tumbled to the floor.
In previous generations, the death of ones grandparents happened at a time when their great grandchildren were much older. (So China was likely much safer in earlier generations!) ..sigh... Another downside to delayed parenthood...not so much overlap in the generations.

It suffered some stress fractures and broken pieces during it's transport out of their house. We cannot blame the kids for that one!
I was extremely impressed with the artisans at Bruening Glass in Ohio. You can see all the steps involved in how they skillfully repaired this antique glass with tons of beveled pieces.
I was hoping to find something within driving distance -- It'll cost a fortune to ship this mirror. It weighs like a zillion tons.
I hadn't been through all the google search results for the mirror restoration before the "big break." So after the "big break" I came back to the search results and Svetlana's page was the first one I opened...
I was amazed to find out that she repairs broken glass, mirrors, and China! I was even more amazed to learn that she is only about 50 miles from here.
I was amazed at her work. Surely if she can fix this shade, then my dish can be fixed too. It's in about this same sad state.
To all my other friends who have recently inherited their grandma's China, keep this link for Antique Restoration Services handy. Hopefully you won't need it.
Here are some other restoration services in Mid-Michigan.
521 Ashwood Dr.
Flushing, MI 48433
2550 Kodiak Dr.
East Lansing, MI 48821
10601 Riverside Dr.
Diamondale, MI 48821
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